

I have a plastic bag obsession sometimes... don't you?  I put everything in a bag in the diaper bag so it all stays clean or doesn't get anything else dirty!  :)  That is what the different compartments are for in your diaper bag- yet I still need my plastic bags!  So I decided that I should be a bit more environmentally friendly and make a couple options for myself that did not involve a plastic bag.  
Check out my ideas and try creating something for your yourself if you 
happen to be into plastic bags like me!

Ok, here are a few pictures to show some highlights of the process.  This is my first time sewing with that mesh stuff- its material from a cloths hamper bag, so it is slightly stretchy.

quilted fabric
 (or a stiff material will work- something to give it some strength)
outside material for decoration
elastic of various sizes
biased tape

And the usual....
sewing machine

First things first.  I marked off where I wanted everything with pins and then proceeded to create my pockets.  You can make pockets for everything if you wish- but elastic is so easy! ;)

(1)Below you can see how I added the bias tape and elastic at the same time- open your bias tape and lay the mesh and elastic so they line up with the fold of the tape.  My mesh was overlapped a bit more- either way.  Fold the tape over and sew as close as you can to the bottom.  (2)I then ran a few stitches back and forth on the whole end to catch the elastic so I could then pull to tighten it and added stitches to the other end to keep it cinched up.  (3) Mark where you want it to be sewn down.


Ok, now zig zag the ends in place!

(1)Next you can stitch down the sides, and then gather! (2)Pin in place, and fold under to sew. (3) Double check the fit!


Time for the elastic, overlap the ends and straight stitch, then I did a loose zigzag back to the beginning.  Finally run a tight zigzag over to enclose everything.  

If everything fits as of now, you can pin your fun fabric right side facing the pockets, and sew around leaving and opening to turn inside out.  Since I did that you can see below I have my biased tape pined and ready to be sewn.  I tried a nice zigzag- but my machine didn't like it so we straight stitched.  :)  But I think the zig zag would have looked nice.  

The smaller bag... which I am sure will take you all of 10 min!  :)  (well not really, but it will be fast!)
(1)After measuring for the dimensions I wanted I took my fabric and cut out a base and wall.  Right sides together, sew, turn inside out.  (2) Next, I attached the base with a zigzag (because my machine wouldn't let me before- I won this time around).  I love the look of seeing the seam on this bag!



(3)Alright, done with the bottom, I had extra fabric on the wall so I trimmed it up and continued with my zigzag up the side.... but hold on, I stopped about and inch from the bottom on my way to the top and remembered that I needed to add the draw strings!  DUH!  I get too excited sometimes.  So be sure to run a stitch around the top to create a casing for the strings.  I used some left over bias tape and strung it through once I finished the casing and ends of the casing.  ...Now... back to finish sewing up the side.  And we are done.

Wonderful and washable. 


Product Review!

Have you seen these things?!  
You probably have and I am just the last person to catch on!  :)  Anyway, do you love them?  We use it all the time and love it.  It does say on the packaging that it is made for a certain brand, but it works on any of the food pouches!  
Go and grab a set so you can make a little bag for it! 
 I found them at Target for just over $5.    

One satisfied customer!  :) 

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